Many times as owners we have found ourselves in a situation where we need our dog to listen to us, but it simply ignores us. And in those cases we get frustrated, start doubting ourselves, and wonder if maybe we are failing as owners. This article will help you to understand why things like this might be happening and what you could do to solve the problem. Basically, we’re going to help you understand why your dog might not listen to you.
Category: Training
Knowing whether or not dogs are difficult to train can help you make decisions as an owner. We talk about whether or not they are as well as what to do if they are.
Samoyeds are incredibly loving and sweet dogs. But is that all they are? Do Samoyeds need professional training? They do, but maybe not as much as some other dogs.
Curious about whether or not you should crate train your dog? There are benefits and drawbacks both, and we cover each of them right here!
If you’re wondering how to properly and safely discipline a dog, then this article’s for you!
Curious about how difficult dogs are to potty train? Then take a look at our tips and everything else we had to say about this!
Curious about if you should rub your dog’s nose in their pee? It’s a good question, and we dive deep into this topic so you can train your dog safely and successfully. Enjoy!
Are you curious about whether or not rubbing a dog’s nose in poop will work? Then look no further because we tell you if it does and the what the effects of it are. Enjoy!
Wondering, “Why does my dog attack the door when I leave?” Don’t worry, lots of people do, and we’ve got all the info you need to help sort this out.
Samoyeds are great at lots of things, but can Samoyed be guard dog for us? Well, that all depends on what you want out of a guard dog and how much work you’re willing to put in.