Dogs shed. We know this before we get them, and we definitely know this after we get them. We love them no matter how much they shed, but sometimes it can seem like the shedding never ends. Owning a Samoyed can definitely feel like that sometimes, their white fur ending up everywhere but where you want it to. So, how to deal with Samoyed shedding exactly? With knowledge, routine, and consistency.
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Main Factors That Affect Samoyed Shedding

Even though dogs have many similarities, they have many differences too. For instance, not every dog sheds the same. Even for those that do, it’s still worth knowing how those particular breeds shed. Keep in mind that your Samoyed may not strictly adhere to everything that follows in this section and others, so it’s recommended to schedule regular vet checkups for your dog. With that in mind, here are the reasons Samoyeds shed the way they do.
Their History
Samoyeds come from the deep north, from Siberia actually. Surviving meant adapting. For Samoyeds that meant double coats of fur. If you’re not familiar, this quite literally means they have two coats of fur, a topcoat and an undercoat. Not only do their two coats help them to keep warm in the winter, but also cool in the winter.
It also means they have a lot of fur to shed.
“Blowing Coat”
Samoyeds are right up there with some of the heaviest shedding dogs of all time. This makes sense given their long, dense fur and double coats. There’s another reason too though. It’s called “blowing coat,” and they do it twice a year.
One “blowing coat” happens in the spring so they can get their coat ready for the warmer temperatures. They shed their thick, outer coats for something lighter. Then, in the fall, they shed their coat again, but this time so they can grow a thick one that will keep them warm in those colder temperatures. This is when the shedding will be at its most extreme, but it’s natural and an important part of Samoyed health.
Other Factors That Affect Samoyed Shedding

Although the previously mentioned factors are the biggest reasons for Samoyed shedding, there are other aspects of dogs and doggy care that can have an effect on a Samoyed’s shedding. Each of them is worth knowing. Here are a few.
Much as humans’ health can be affected by the food we eat, the same is true for dogs. The cheaper the food you get, the cheaper your dog’s health will become. In the case of Samoyeds and their fur, this can lead to even more shedding. You don’t have to buy your Samoyed the highest quality food possible, but buying at least a good quality helps the well-being of both your Samoyed and your vacuum cleaner.
Like humans, dogs age a little differently. Some do it well, some don’t. At the very least, it’s worth knowing what changes await your Samoyed as they age. One of those possible changes is their metabolism, which can lead to faster fur fallout. Preparing for this in advance can let you focus more on what’s important as your dog ages, like just spending quality time with them.
Yes, even grooming can affect how much a Samoyed sheds. This will be discussed more in the next section, but it’s worth pointing out here too. The more you groom your Samoyed, and you should, the more you are ensuring their fur ends up on a brush and not somewhere around your house.
Ways To Deal With Samoyed Shedding

Many factors go into a Samoyed’s shedding, but there are also plenty of ways for you to do deal with that shedding too. These range from choosing the right tools to further understanding their fur to just being consistent. With that said, here are some of the things you can do to help your shedding Samoyed.
Choose The Right Brush
As stated earlier, not every dog sheds the same. Yes, there are similarities, but even dogs with similarities might require different brushes. Did you know there’s such a thing as an deshedding brush? How about a finishing comb? Picking the right brush doesn’t have to be something that takes all day, but it shouldn’t be a throwaway choice either.
Set Routines
Samoyeds need to be brushed at least once a day; it’s just part of what makes them them. Their fur is thick and they shed and blow coat and brushing them at least once a day helps to again collect that fur on the brush and not somewhere else. Plus, being consistent with the brushing helps them to know the routine, which makes it easier to do in the future.
Reward Good Behavior
When developing your brushing routine with your Samoyed, don’t forget to reward that good behavior. If you have a puppy, this is especially important. The more you want them to do something, the more rewards you should give.
Don’t Clip Or Shave That Fur!
As mentioned earlier, a Samoyed’s fur is a double-layer coat that keeps them warm in the cooler months and cool in the warmer months. It’s a delicate balance that a Samoyed’s biology already manages. Clipping or shaving a Samoyed’s fur can have serious side effects.
Bathing A Samoyed
Bathing is a necessary part of doggy care. It helps their skin and fur to stay clean. However, with dogs like Samoyeds, there is such a thing as overbathing them. Only bathe them every so often because overdoing it will strip them of the oils their skin needs. Still, bathing can help with shedding too.
In Conclusion
Samoyeds are wonderful dogs in many regards. This is true even with their shedding needs. If you have a Samoyed, you already know this. If you don’t yet, know that the responsibilities that come with their shedding won’t truly matter in the end. So, how to deal with Samoyed shedding? By knowing that it’s worth it, easy to do, and something that’s needed for these companions we love so much.
So, what do you think? How much does your Samoyed shed? Had any crazy things happen while trying to tame your dog’s fur? Let us know in the comments below!