Do you happen to be one of those lucky owners whose pet likes to sit and stare at you whenever you are snacking? My labrador, Fred, being a labrador, counts my bites and practically follows every move I make when eating something. Dogs are known for wanting to try everything that their humans eat. So, is fruit something dogs can eat?
Dogs can eat fruit. This includes apples (minus the seeds), bananas in moderation, blueberries, oranges, mangos, peaches, pears, watermelons, and kiwis. Avoid grapes, figs, cherries, avocados, tomatoes, and raspberries. Either way, speak with your vet before introducing anything new into your dog’s diet.
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What Fruit Can Dogs Eat?

Your pup will most certainly be happy if you decide to share fruit with it. Below you can find a list of some of the fruits that may be beneficial to your K-9 friend.
Apples are a great source of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as fibers. Just make sure you peel the apple and remove the seeds before serving them to your dog (apple seeds contain cyanide, so this part is especially important).
Bananas are rich in sugar, which is why you should be careful how much you give to your dog. In some countries, vets recommend the banana as a beneficial treat when your dog has loose stools and an upset tummy.
Blueberries are a great choice if you are trying to teach your dog to catch their treats. This fruit is rich in antioxidants which help with cell protection.
Oranges are another fruit you can enjoy with your furry friend. But of course, when you peel it for yourself, peel it for your dog too.
This sweet fruit is rich in vitamin C, E, B6, and A, as well as lots of sugar, which is why we don’t recommend you give it to your dog too often. Before giving it, please remove the pit, as it contains traces of cyanide, which can be fatal for dogs
This watery and tasty fruit can be a great treat during the summer because it’s refreshing and cooling when frozen. Just remember to remove the pit.
If properly cleaned and peeled, pears could also be one of those fruits you can share with your dog. Rich in fiber, vitamin K, C, and copper, this fruit could be just as healthy for your pet as for you.
This is an excellent choice for a treat after a walk in the summer days. Cut the seeds and rind, and you will have a snack for your dog that contains lots of potassium, vitamin A, C, and B6.
Kiwi is considered a fruit that helps protect against cancer. It also contributes to a healthy digestive system, hence why this is another fruit you can enjoy with your pet.
What Fruit Should Dogs Not Eat?
We know your dog wants to try everything you eat. But that does not mean everything should be shared, even fruit. Here are some fruits that are harmful to dogs.
Grapes are known to cause sudden kidney failure, which is why they should never be given to dogs. The same goes for raisins.
They contain a toxin called ficin. If your dog comes in contact with ficin, it can experience vomiting, diarrhea, and possible abdominal pain.
I am sure many of us have a cherry tree our dog loves to stay under and wait for one to fall down. Even though the meaty part of the cherry is not toxic, the pit contains cyanide and dogs usually love to swallow them whole, which could potentially lead to serious bowel obstipation.
The leaves and stems of cherries also contain cyanide. Although apples are okay for dogs to have, dogs and cherries just don’t mix.
Spreading avocado on a piece of bread is awesome, but we recommend avocadoes only for human use. They contain persin, which could cause tummy issues for your dog.
Even though the red part of this fruit is safe for dogs, the green part contains a toxin called solanine. Even though your dog may need to eat lots of tomatoes in order to get sick, we recommend you stay on the safe side and just avoid this possibility.
They are considered rich in antioxidants, copper, manganese, iron, fiber, and folic acid. However, they also contain xylitol, which is a natural sweetener that can be toxic to dogs. This doesn’t mean the raspberries will automatically be harmful to your dog, but you’ll want to be careful and discuss this with your vet first.
How To Incorporate Fruit Into A Diet For Dogs?
If you are one of the owners that prefer to feed their dog raw, fruit is one of the ingredients you can add to balance out the meal. Always make it at home too, such as with cranberry sauce. Usually, every meal should contain some source of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water. Combinations of meat, vegetables, and fruits help care for these needs. Many dog foods will include fruits already in their ingredients.
Also, fruits can be used as a healthy treat for your dog, especially in the summer.
Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Fruit?
We know pets are curious creatures, and we always fall for the big, sad, puppy eyes. That’s why we like helping owners with these issues, so they can know what’s safe for their dogs and what’s not.
So, what fruit are you going to give your dog first? Let us know your choices and why in the comments below!