It’s crazy what dogs get into, so it’s important for us to know what’s safe for them and what isn’t. This can be even more challenging when it comes to plants, flowers, and trees. So, let us help you figure out at least one tree by answering the question, “Are Sycamore trees toxic to dogs?”
Sycamore trees are not toxic to dogs at all.
What Are Sycamore Trees?

Sycamore trees are pretty interesting trees. First, they grow to be between 75 and 100 feet (~23 – 31 meters) tall, at least on average anyway. Second, they have bark that looks like it was patched together or like it was modeled after the camouflage soldiers wear.
That’s not all though, people also call sycamore trees buttonwood or buttonball trees. This is because they produce rough 1.5 inch (3.81 cm) size balls that drop in the spring. Unfortunately, sycamore trees are pretty messy, so they don’t make great trees for planting at home. If you’re still interested though, check out this pack of seeds.
So, How Can I Spot A Sycamore Tree?
Sycamore trees are easily spotted. The best way to spot them is by looking for their bark. If you see the pattern that they’re well known for, chances are you have a sycamore tree on your hands.
Another good way to spot a sycamore tree is by looking for the balls they produce. Those plus the bark increase your chances that the tree is a sycamore tree. Keep in mind, of course, that many trees can be mistaken for each other, and these are only suggestions.
Are Sycamore Trees Toxic To Dogs?
Thankfully, sycamore trees are in no way, shape, or form toxic to dogs. So, if you see your dog behaving oddly or showing symptoms of toxic poisoning after being near one, the cause is likely something else.
Now, is it possible your dog is allergic to sycamore trees? It’s possible, although extremely unlikely. If you see your dog having an allergic reaction, contact your vet right away so they can help you figure out what’s going on.
What Are The Symptoms Of Sycamore Tree Poisoning?
Curious about what to look for when it comes to sycamore tree poisoning? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Even though sycamore trees aren’t toxic to dogs, here’s what to look for: weakness, sweating, trouble breathing, muscle stiffness, shakiness, and faster heart rate.
Those symptoms aren’t the only ones that can happen from sycamore tree poisoning, but they’re a good start. If you see those or other symptoms in a pet, contact your vet immediately.
Are There Any Other Trees That Are Toxic To Dogs?
Yes, there are some trees that are toxic to dogs. These are the Japanese yew tree, buckeye tree, chinaberry tree, black walnut tree, fruit trees, and other nut trees. Let’s start with the Japanese yew tree.
Japanese yew trees contain toxins that can kill dogs if eaten. Buckeye trees also contain a toxin that is harmful to dogs. Most of the chinaberry tree is toxic to dogs, including the flowers, leaves, bark, and berries.
The nuts of the black walnut tree can cause issues for dogs. Fruit trees are issues for dogs because often the pits of the fruit contain toxins. Nut trees are toxic to dogs because nuts just aren’t safe for them.
In general, it’s best to avoid letting your dogs eat leaves, bark, fruit, or nuts from any tree you’re not 100% familiar with. Even if you are, dogs shouldn’t be eating those things anyway.
In fact, we recommend not letting your dog eat lots of things. For example, chorizo, milk, and alcohol.
In Conclusion: Are Sycamore Trees Toxic To Dogs?
So, it turns out, “Are sycamore trees toxic to dogs,” is an easily answered question. They’re not toxic to dogs at all. Other trees are, but not those.
So, we’re curious, what’s the weirdest thing your dog has tried to eat? We’d love to hear your stories in the comments below!