You are getting ready to make some dinner, and your dog is parked next to you, hoping that you may drop something off the counter, or maybe something will fall down. But, you are not making anything special, you are just prepping the veggies. So, should you give some to your dog? Can dogs even eat vegetables?
Dogs can eat vegetables. Broccoli, carrots, or Brussels sprouts can be given raw, while cauliflower, potatoes, or pumpkin should be cooked before serving.
Table of Contents
Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?
Vegetables can be just as beneficial to our furry friends’ health as they are to ours (fruit too). More specifically, they are a great source of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and they make excellent treats. This is especially true if your dog needs a special diet, or is just on a diet. Another point is that some owners choose to feed their dogs raw food, which incorporates vegetables in the recipe. Each veggie brings a different combination of nutrients, and combining them may help your dog in specific ways, or just keep your pooch happy and healthy.
What Vegetables Can A Dog Eat?

Many of us love to enjoy homemade meals, and others even enjoy the process of cooking. Whenever you thinking about sharing vegetables with your dog, consider the following options.
Spinach contains lots of magnesium, potassium, vitamins B6, C, K, iron, and folic acid.
Carrots can be given raw and are a great treat. They are rich in fiber and vitamins A, K, B, and E.
Even though it could cause your dog to have gas more than often, this veggie would also provide it with vitamins A, C, K, and E, lots of fiber, and no fat
Cucumbers are rich in minerals, such as copper, potassium, and magnesium. Cucumber is also rich in water and vitamins and could be another great treat for your dog
If you don’t mind the smelly gas coming out of your dog, or if you don’t mind closing your nose more than often, then cabbage is definitely a good veggie for your dog. It contains lots of antioxidants and vitamins, such as C, K, B1, and B6.
No, you can’t share your french fries with your dog! But you can most certainly boil or bake and peel and serve potatoes to them!
If your dog is experiencing obstipation (when it can’t poop or fart), this is your go-to veggie. It may also help your furry friend see better and possibly avoid things that are not for chewing because it contains beta-carotene.
What Vegetables Should A Dog Not Eat?
In this section, we will give you an idea about which vegetables you should try and avoid, as they can be harmful to your dog.
Onion (Also Leeks And Garlic)
Onions are part of the allium plant family and are considered very toxic to dogs, which means they should never be given. The same goes for leeks and garlic. They could cause vomiting, diarrhea, and upset stomach. Moreover, your dog may become lethargic, which could be the result of anemia, caused by excessive ingestion of any of these vegetables.
The ones that we buy at the grocery store are safe for your dog, but unfortunately, they don’t provide the same nutrients as the pet-friendly ones. Wild mushrooms are just as dangerous for your dog as they are for us, so if you see your dog sniffing at any or trying to taste it, make sure to stop them.
Rhubarb contains oxalates that could cause problems in your dog’s digestive and nervous system. It could also potentially lead to kidney failure. If you see your dog running around with one in its mouth, and it eats it before you can reach it, please consult with your vet or take it to the emergency clinic.
Ways To Cook Vegetables A Dog Can Eat
We taught you what is good and what is bad for your dog. Now we are going to teach you how to best prepare vegetables and give you a few ideas on meal combinations. If you are considering serving vegetables that need to be cooked, here is what you could do.
The most important thing to know about this method is that the vegetables’ nutrients will be preserved. As a result, you’ll be ensuring your dog gets as much goodness as possible from them.
Do you want to be a modern chef for your dog? Then we suggest you put the vegetables in boiling water for a few minutes, and then remove them, and put them in an icy one. This way you enhance and preserve the taste.
Healthy Meal Ideas
Here are some combinations you could try and surprise your furry friend with:
- Brown rice, ground turkey meat, canned peas, shredded zucchini, and carrots
- Brown rice, boiled potato, chicken breast cut into pieces, frozen mixed veggies (green beans, peas, and carrots)
- Ground beef, brown rice, broccoli, carrots, and spinach
Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?
Before making the decision to give something to your dog that it has not tried before, please consult your vet. However, once approved, feel good about giving vegetables to your dog to eat. They’ll enjoy them and get lots of good nutrients from them.
So, what do you think about dogs and vegetables? Which ones do you want to give to your dog first? Let us know in the comments below!